
Conventional Indoor Fireplace

Our best-selling indoor model with improved smoke draw performance and superior heat reflection.

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World-Class Function Meets Aesthetic Design

Our conventional model features an expertly-designed angled back wall that provides maximum heat reflection as well as a more traditional look. It can be used indoors or outdoors and can accommodate almost any veneer, mantle, or surround. Additionally, our firebrick comes in a number of colors and thicknesses to accommodate a variety of firebrick patterns and designs.
  • Comes in traditional sizes: 30”, 36”, 42”, and 48”
  • Models are available in 60” and 72” openings with dual chimney systems
  • Both angled and straight-back wall options
  • ICC report issued and compliant with UL-127, ANSI Z21.60, wind load, and seismic testing
  • Can be installed on a combustible floor using LiteRock installation method
  • 1” clearance to combustibles around firebox unit and smoke chamber
  • Can accommodate a FireRock masonry or UL 103 metal chimney system

Conventional Indoor Fireplace Specifications

Width Height Depth
Opening Firebox
Overall Opening Firebox Smoke
Overall Firebox Overall
Damper Weight
30" Conventional / CA Conventional
32.5" 22" 38" 33.8" 37.5" 22.4" 59.9" 22.5" 28.5"
24" 1,800lbs
36" Conventional / CA Conventional
38.5" 28" 44" 33.8" 37.5" 31.6" 69.1" 22.5" 28.5"
30" 2,150lbs
42" Conventional / CA Conventional
44.5" 34" 50" 33.8" 37.5" 31.6" 69.1" 22.5" 28.5"
36" 2,410lbs
48" Conventional / CA Conventional
50.5" 40" 56" 33.8" 37.5" 40.8" 78.3" 22.5" 28.5"
42" 2,900lbs
60" Conventional / CA Conventional
62.5" 52" 68" 33.8" 37.5" 31.6" 69.1" 22.5" 28.5"
54" 3,000lbs
72" Conventional / CA Conventional
74.5" 64" 80" 33.8" 37.5" 31.6" 69.1" 22.5" 28.5"
2 Top Seal 3,200lbs
Download full dimension guide
Chimney Diameter Masonry Chimney: 15"
UL 103 Metal Chimney: 14" *Note: 60" and 72" models require 2 flues
Total Installed Height Minimum: 15’
Maximum: 65’

Clearance to Combustibles

Opening to Sidewall 28
Opening to Combustible Trim 12
Opening to Mantle with 8" Depth 16
Noncombustible Hearth Extension 20” in front; 8” each side*
Firebox & Smoke Chamber to Combustibles or Framing 1”
Smoke Chamber (Front Wall & Top) to Wood Framing 1”
* The 60” and 72” Oversized Conventional models require extra floor protection in addition to the 20” full depth hearth extension listed. The amount of additional floor protection is dependent upon the opening height of the firebox, and must be constructed of a noncombustible material with a minimum R-value of 0.30. See Oversized Installation Manual for more information.

Approvals & Certifications

UL 127 approved and certified for indoor or outdoor use ICC tested and certified properties: wind load, seismic, and fire resistances
Compliant with 2012 and 2015 International Codes: Building (IBC), Residential (IRC), Mechanical (IMC), and Fuel Gas (IFGC) Approved for use with gas-starters and outside air kits

Available Accessories

Bricking Flange

Provides additional structural support

Height Extensions Kit

Increases the firebox’s finished opening

Solid Block Chimney

Patented one-piece interlocking components make it easy to add an all-masonry chimney

Firebrick & Mortar

High quality firebrick and specially-formulated adhesive mortar


Sends smoke away and keeps heat in

Metal Chimney

A lightweight and flexible alternative to a solid block chimney

Offset Blocks

Help when chimney placement isn’t a straight shot

Chimney Pots

Gives character and improves smoke draw

Outside Air Kits

Utilize outside air for optimal fireplace combustion

Log Lighter

Makes starting a fire easy and quick